Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Coffee Quotes: February 12, 2014 Figureoutableness

Nabbed from

"Everything is Figureoutable."
Marie Forleo

If you are online and interested even remotely in online business, you'll know that every one and their mom is pushing their affiliate sales to Marie Forleo's B School. As is my nature, I am skeptical of anything that is totally hyped and also out of my price range. 

But damn if I don't love her YouTube channel, MarieTV and all her helpful and encouraging emails and videos on

Yesterday I was watching one of her special three-part pre-B-School training videos and she said something so simple - a piece of advice from her mother. 

Everything is figureoutable. 

It's easy, especially right now, to feel like I need to run into the next open plan office, slide into a cheap gray office chair and slide my wheels under the desk and cling to a computer forever. I'm scared as hell and so close to getting an office job and all the security that comes with it. Feeling like a failure is getting harder and harder for me to shake. 

I've never had NO money and no job and no prospects before.  But then I tell myself that this big life I have lived, no matter how broke it has left me, has to count for something more. 

This quote sets my intention for today. I know that I need to clarify my vision. As soon as I do - the actual path, all the rest, can be figured out. 

If you are reading this feeling like you are stuck, if your paralysis is rooted in fear, let this quote lift you up just enough today to see over the top of that mountain to the valley below. No matter what you want to do, everything is figureoutable. 

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